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PROJECT TITLE Towards Greater Effectiveness and Timeliness in Humanitarian Emergency Response (ToGETHER) Project
Abbreviation LHP- Local Humanitarian
CRM – Partner Complaint Response Mechanism
P-FIM – People-first Impact Method
PROJECT BRIEF The ever-expanding and immense humanitarian needs require the humanitarian system to search for adequate solutions. Typically, local actors, as members of civil society, are the first to respond following a shock. The efficacy and efficiency of humanitarian efforts can be enhanced by leveraging local knowledge, trust, and other complementary capabilities, thereby increasingly empowering local actors. Despite the essential work provided by local and national humanitarian organizations, they often function as mere implementers of strategic and operational decisions made by international humanitarian organizations. Supporting local actors in enhancing their operational preparedness and response capacity, organizational and institutional capabilities, securing sufficient funding, and integrating into pertinent humanitarian coordination mechanisms is paramount. Furthermore, transforming the roles of various actors within the humanitarian system is equally significant. To bolster the capacities of local actors in humanitarian response, preparedness, coordination, and advocacy the Towards Greater Effectiveness and Timeliness in Humanitarian Emergency Response (ToGETHER) project is being implemented in Bangladesh with the support of Malteser International where Centre for Disability in Development (CDD) is one of the Local Humanitarian Partners (LHP). Under this project, the CDD will have the opportunity to develop capacity thus enhancing its institutional and operational capabilities to respond to humanitarian crises effectively. ToGETHER strives to transcend organizational limitations, enabling all local and international partners involved to collaborate in developing solutions to humanitarian challenges. Starting with a review of the localisation workstreams and a mapping of the existing capacity development initiatives, the programme will design and implement country-specific activities to increase the representation of local actors in the national humanitarian system and to shape their advocacy in relevant policy processes at country level as well as global level (like Charter4Change, Grand Bargain etc.). Throughout the program, CDD will have the opportunity to develop its humanitarian response capacity based on self-defined needs and priorities and the larger humanitarian context in the country. During the course of the programme CDD will have access to funding for implementing innovative humanitarian approaches and applying acquired capacities in actual crises situations. The programme will further provide technical support and advisory services to CDD and facilitate the creation of platforms for knowledge exchange, learning and evidence-based good practice.
Objectives/Outcomes/Long-term Results The main objective of the Programme is that Local Humanitmian Parhrers (LHP) take responsibilities and actions in the humanitarian system of the country for an effective and timely, accountable, and principled humanitarian action.   Output 
01. LHP assumes a leading role in strategic decision making and the efficient and accountable implementation of the programme,
02. Institutional and operational Emergency Preparedness, Response and Coordination Capacities of LHP are strengthened, and
03. Knowledge exchange, learning and advocacy enhance quality humanitarian aid programming of LHPs and their role in the humanitarian system
Major Activities · Develop and implement capacity strengthening plan.
· Review and develop new policies, procedures, guidelines, for effective and inclusive humanitarian action.
· Mentoring, training and workshop
· Exchange knowledge and learning through workshops, conferences and South-South-Exchange.
· Establish MEAL system including a Complaint Response Mechanism (CRM)
· Support other LHPs in the country on inclusion of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action.
· Capacity strengthening of stakeholders on the understanding of localization and disability inclusive humanitarian action.
· Support disaster affected community through Humanitarian Operation and Innovation Facility (HOIFA) fund.
· Introduce People-first Impact Method (P-FIM) as a tool for effective community engagement.
· Advocacy for localization.
NAME OF DONOR(S) Malteser International
Starting Date July 01, 2020
Ending Date April 30, 2024
Contact Person’s Name Nazmul Bari
Designation Director at CDD & Focal of the Project
Email address
Phone Number +880 1710 851504
Division(s) No specific Division of Bangladesh
District(s) No specific District of Bangladesh  
Upazila(s) / Thana(s) No specific Upazila (Sub-district)/Thana of Bangladesh 
 (If applicable)
Not Applicable