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Sustainable Education Support for Deaf Children in Bangladesh

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Sustainable Education Support for Deaf Children in Bangladesh


Sustainable Education Support for Deaf Children in Bangladesh 



 (Narrative – 500 words max including project aim/goal, approach, beneficiaries, intended changes etc.) 

The project aims towards creating a deaf-friendly model for pre-primary education at six Government schools by system strengthening and capacity building of stakeholders including parents. It also envisages enabling parents/family members of deaf children in primary schools for providing communication and literacy support at their homes. This would help in establishing sustainable support mechanisms for deaf children at home as well as in schools. The idea is to influence the national Government to adapt the model and integrate it within their pre-primary education system by strengthening networking and collaboration with government departments and non-government organisations.  

Objectives/Outcomes/Long-term Results

Long Term Outcome-1: Deaf children are able to progress through the mainstream school system in Dhaka, Jhenaidah, Nilphamary, Chattogram

Long Term Outcome-2: Recommendations from the pilot of 6 deaf-friendly pilot schools are accepted and rolled out by the national Bangladesh government


Intermediate Outcome 1

Parents and siblings are able to sustainably provide communication and literacy support to 130 deaf children


Intermediate Outcome 2

22 Deaf children receive deaf inclusive pre-primary education at 6 schools 

Intermediate Outcome 3 

130 deaf children improve communication and literacy skills as a result of support received from parents/family members on deaf inclusive education 

Intermediate Outcome 4

Department of Primary Education (DPE) recognize the deaf friendly model/processes created in 6 schools

Major Activities

1. Develop 40 modules including detailed information of TLMs on "How to Support Deaf Children in Communication and Literacy" (20 modules for 3-6; and 20 modules for 7-14 age group) in the next 15 months (based on the review of the current project’s modules)

2. Organise 5 Days refresher’s training on "How to Support Deaf Children in Communication and Literacy" for 21 project staff

3. Conduct online sign language training for project staff on 10 modules (10 sessions X 4 PNGOs)

4. Project inception workshop at CDD 21 with project staff

5. Home-based fourth nightly 20 practical training with demonstration for 130 parents/family members of deaf children (up to 6) on "How to Support Deaf Children in Communication and Literacy"

6. Provision of TLM Box including tools to Parents/families of 130 DC for preparing and preserving TLMs

7. Provision of diary book to 130 children to practice independent writing

8. Organize 24 half-day (6 x 4 PNGOs) workshops at four locations for horizontal learning sharing among parents and family members

8. Organise meeting (quarterly) with teachers and SMC members and seek their supports for making the school inclusive especially for deaf children.

9. Develop TLMs and other materials and distributed them to each pilot school to support classroom activities

10. Provided improved BEKAS kit to 6 pre-primary classes

11. Organise 5 days training at CDD for 12 teachers (2 per school) and 10 project staff (6 concern staff + 4 FC) on “How to Support Deaf Children in an Inclusive Pre-Primary Classroom”

12.   Quarterly follow up communication with 35 primary schools and 17 secondary schools and provide instant technical support where required.

13. Regular communication with local and district level government officials including One Stop Service Centres by field level project staff

14. Regular communication with 15 CC and 9 EPI Centres

15. Communication with other local stakeholders’ direct visits and discussion meetings by field level project staff

16. Publication of a TLM guidebook on ‘TLMs for deaf children’  


Deaf Child Worldwide (DCW) – UK


Starting Date

1st January 2021

Ending Date

31st March 2022


Contact Person's Name 

Iftekhar Ahmed Shorful



Email address

Phone Number




Dhaka, Khulna, Chattogram, Rangpur


Dhaka, Jhenaidah, Nilphamary, Chattogram

 (If applicable)

1. Access Bangladesh Foundation (Dhaka)

2. AID Foundation (Jhenaidah)

3. Self Help and Rehabilitation Programme-SHARP (Nilphamary)

4. Songshoptaque (Chattogram)



Total number only

Direct Beneficiaries

130 Deaf Children, 137 Family members, 44 Staff and professionals, 300 Peer students,

Indirect Beneficiaries