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Policies of CDD

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Policies of CDD

Corruption is a problem in case of organization management and implementation of development projects. The main reason behind corruption in Bangladesh is the lack of proper administrative functioning of the agencies entrusted to control corruption.   Bribery is the most common type of corruption in Bangladesh, which generates malpractices in administrative management. When corruption becomes deep and wide, it can lead to a sense of despair and disempowerment among the staff of any organization. It is a major impediment to any development process.  Bribery, as a form of corruption, weakens the key systems of an organization.   Bribery erodes peoples’   trust in organizations and breeds injustice. Since its inception, COD has been giving highest priority to avoid providing and receiving bribery in any form.  COD follows ‘Zero Tolerance’ policy towards any kind of corruption.
To know more about the policy please click for download the Anti Bribery Policy

CDD has developed this policy document to ensure safeguarding of children and adults-at risk from any abuse e.g., physical, emotional, sexual, neglect and exploitation. CDD will use this policy document as an organizational guiding instrument in planning, designing, organizing, involving, monitoring, evaluating and managing any kind of programmes, projects and institutional initiatives, where children and adults-at-risk are part of it. This policy document is to boost the existing organizational culture, practices, staff behavior, management, program development, partnership and implementation.
To know more about the policy please click for download the CHILDREN & AULTS-AT-RISK SAFEGUARDING POLICY-

 This gender policy will be considered as an integral part of other policies of CDD e.g.  HR Management Manual, Children and Adults-at Risk Policy, Anti- Harassment and Bullying Policy, Whistle Blowing Policy etc… which may seem to addresses issues relevant to the promotion of gender equality.
To know more about the policy please click for download the GENDER EQUALITY POLICY

 Fraud   is defined as: “The intentional   distortion of financial statements or other records by persons internal   or external to the organisation which is carried   out to conceal the misappropriation    of assets or otherwise for gain”. In addition, fraud can also be defined as: “The intentional distortion of financial statements   or other records by persons internal   or external   to the organisation which   is carried out to mislead or misrepresent”.
To know more about the policy please click for download the Anti-Fraud Policy